Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Film and Theology- No Country For Old Men

Pastor James Harleman of Mars Hill Church in Seattle did a great job in his Film and Theology review of the excellent movie No Country For Old Men.

This review is posted over on the Cinemagogue blog, which is a valuable place to spend some time, especially if you love movies. Here's a blurb from the "cinemAbout" page:

Cinemagogue believes that we are image-bearers of our Creator. a master storyteller, whose narrative spans all of creation, a story in which we all play a part. Made in the image of our Creator, we have a yearning to both create, and be entertained, by narrative. People immerse themselves in story much like Christians treasure the story of Jesus. It is our hope that people would enjoy and engage cinema and storytelling mediums not just as “diversion” but with discernment, engaging the culture around us and reflecting on how it distorts and reflects the larger narrative of our lives. We place all stories against the controversial gospel of Jesus Christ who claimed not only to be truth incarnate, but in fact the master storyteller who spoke the universe into existence, as well as embodying the central figure and hero of our shared story that is life.

Cinema, meet truth.

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